Category Archives: Miscellaneous Disorders

Smarter brains run on sparsely connected neurons — ScienceDaily “Intelligent brains possess lean, yet efficient neuronal connections,” concludes Erhan Genç. “Thus, they boast high mental performance at low neuronal activity.”

Brain abnormality indicates general risk for mental illness: A new study identifies functional connectivity impairments associated with transdiagnostic risk for common forms of mental illness — ScienceDaily Authors conclude: “These patterns suggest that broad risk for mental illness may reflect subtle problems in how a person is able to integrate their thoughts, plans, and actions with their fundamental experience of the world, which in humans is principally represented by visual information,” said Mr. Elliott.

Psychiatric News Update on ADHD protocol APA 2018, new ADHD protocol, amazingly, allows us to use methylphenidate and amphetamines in previously controversial patients: schizophrenia, bipolar, and stimulant addiction!

Neuroanatomical phenotypes in mental illness: identifying convergent and divergent cortical phenotypes across autism , ADHD and schizophrenia – Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience

Combined effects of prenatal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and material hardship on child ADHD behavior problems – ScienceDirect

Air pollution and poverty largely influence ADHD rates in offspring.

The Amazing Mosaic Brain: Neither Male or Female

The amazing mosaic: The Brain Believe it or not, the brain is very (very) complex: no longer does it appear that there are male and female brains; indeed, the latest conversation has failed to identify a clear dichotomy. In fact, each individual has a mosaic of traits classically considered male or female, such that everybody […]
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Collaborative care initiatives

I am asking the question this morning whether stable mental health patients can be adequately managed by a family doctor, in which circumstances, and how to integrate this with psychiatric care.

Anticholinergics and Dementia

Neurotic, Borderline, or Psychotic: The great diagnostic challenge

This article points out that not everybody who hallucinates or is paranoid has schizophrenia. Thus, there is considerable hope for those with borderline personality disorder and psychotic symptoms, who will slowly mature out of the condition and eventually be free of intense emotions and psychosis. This is a public, open source article.;source%7CJournals;ttl%7C1428898346779;payload%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;hash%7CW6kfgpSkPgjYCuMuRsad1w== Psychotic_symptoms_in_patients_with_borderline.21.pdf

The gut microbiome and diet in psychiatry

The basics: The mind and body are greatly effected by the trillions of microbes which dwell within your gut. Eat well, use probiotics and prebiotics, and thus foster the growth of beneficial organisms in your intestines. Keep a healthy intestinal lining (with a healthy, high fiber diet): This will keep the toxic products of pathogenic organisms within […]
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